Saturday, April 4, 2009

Ganguro... boy?

[Yes, the title is a Newgrounds reference]

HaHa (Hannah Arnold) makes fabulous mixes. Upon these mixes I may rediscover a treelimb I used to play on in my girlhood (ex.: Supermassive Black Hole by Muse) or upturn a rock to find tasty, squirmy little things that I proceed to download illegally using LimeWire (ex.: Jai Ho from Slumdog Millionaire).

These mixes were our background noise while we drove to and fro[-m the DC metro station], and set a placating backdrop for Hannah's questionable driving tactics. Other backdrops included the DC metro, the Japanasian Invasion of Pennsylvania Avenue (complete with whiteboys dressed in full Hello Kitty, ganguro, and harajuku get-up with hair dyed every color of the rainbow), and lovely DC with its lovely cherry blossoms.

I really adore that city, in all of its tourist-packed glory. The classical architecture, worn marble steps, cultural outpouring, and the feeling of being logistically insignificant are all positive aspects of spending time in the nation's capital. The negatives are... statistically null and therefore undeserving of face-time. I hate city driving, because I hate taking driving risks and grazing cheeks with Death. I love when other people take risks while I'm in the passenger seat... I just don't trust myself to perform evasive maneuvers. Moreover, mommies & metros mostly move me. I am so poetic.

So I've decided to quit participating in Blog Every Day April because I am a QUITTER. Ex.: I copped out of PFHS soccer tryouts on the second to last day.

But I love me anyways. Despite my incorrigible overuse of the word love. Is it possible to love too many people... too many things? All is full of love.

Hannah and Kelsey dared me to kiss a stranger in a student group while we "imbibed the ethereal visage" of the 2,000 cherry blossom trees planted along the D.C. Tidal Basin on the final day of their peak. The petals of fallen blossoms coated the water, so parts of the nearshore were pools of gyrating pink. And petals torn from the trees snowed down on passersby and peppered the cerulean sky.

But Hannah and Kelsey didn't find a boy appropriate for me to bestow my lusty lips upon, and of course I'd never work up the guts to choose my own victim, or even carry out the stunt without lots of spirited cheers and urgent coaxing. So, next time we're amongst throngs of touristy students, one of those lucky lads will fly home with stories of the mildly attractive stranger who was not wearing sunglasses and who snogged him long and sloppy. Maybe not the long part... yes, cheering is a must. I've never kissed a stranger.

D.C. can be so gorgeous. I wish us Americans were represented by our capital city, rather than by our rising obesity trend, penchant for greasy gluttony, supposed radical liberalism, and eye-popping murder rates. When the Singaporeans came to America, they expected to gorge themselves, flirt with non-conservative girls, and party. Though, I guess that's pretty accurate, huh? Americans, in general, are pleasure-seekers. But that's not a purely American trait so much as a trait characteristic of most all animals. Humans just perfected the art--and made the art into a lifestyle.

Pleasure-seeking leads to money-seeking leads to a society that worships its currency. Did you know that I love music videos?

(And Japanese Street Fashion!)

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